EMR measuring instruments
Many of my clients have little meters that tell them about their exposure to electro-magnetic fields and radiation. (Home wiring, and wifi, 4G, 5G, radar, TV, microwaves, etc.)
These meters seem helpful, but they are so far removed from the reality of the situation, that they are counterproductive. Some are showing much more than there is, others much less, - and others show more in some frequencies and less in others…. VERY messy.
A proper scientific spectrum analyser costs tens of thousands of dollars. The professional range from Gigahertz, which represents the standard of Buildingbiology and is very close to the accuracy of spectrum analysers, costs about $ 13,000. - You can easily see that a $ 400 instrument can’t possibly do such complex measurements in one little unit, even if it has cute lights blinking and speakers beeping.
The diagram above shows the instruments that are available to the public on the European market (most of them are in circulation here, too). They were tested independently* with a spectrum analyser and you can see, how they deviate from the green line, which represents the actual frequency .
I have been told, that one of the ‘better’ instruments ($ 800) has a simple metal plate inside that is supposed to work as an antenna, to measure the surrounding electro-pollution! Unfortunately, there is no industry standard and customers can easily be mislead by pseudo-scientific chatter on cool-looking and fear-mongering websites.
In short: If you are concerned, either buy proper instruments, - or simply call a Buldingbiologist. You will get a detailed, interpretative report for each room with recommendations for remediation.
The Buildingbiological Measuring Standard and the exposure limits for categories of no-concern, low-concern, high-concern, extreme-concern, are here. Please feel free to email, if you’d like the full standard in all details, it is made freely available by the IBN Institute.
Authors: Dr.-Ing. Martin H. Virnich, Mönchengladbach, Dr.-Ing. Dietrich Moldan, Iphofen, Dipl.-Ing. Karin Beutler, Kleinmachnow