Buildingbiological Measuring Standard
The Building Biological Measuring Standard was developed by the Institut fuer Baubiologie und Oekologie, Neubeuern, Germany. It has been designed for sleeping places and takes into consideration the latest findings on biological effects on human physiology.
This is a summary of a comprehensive and detailed standard. For consultations, each of the items is assessed as no concern/ low concern/ high concern/ extreme concern. Below, you find the beginning of the low-concern range.
Electric A/C Fields (low frequency)
These fields are measured by their Field Strength (V/m) and by the Body Voltage they cause in the patient.
Causes: A/C voltage in wires, installations, appliances, walls, ....
Exposure limit for sleeping places, potential free: 0.3 V/m
Magnetic A/C Fields (low frequency)
Measured in nT (Nanotesla) magnetic flow density.
Causes: Alternating current in cabling, installations, appliances, power lines, ...
Exposure limit for sleeping places: 20 nT
Electromagnetic Waves (high frequency)
Measured as Field Strength (mV/m),
Radiation Density (microW/m2)
Causes: Transmitters, radio, TV, military, mobile phones, radar, ...
Exposure limit for sleeping places: 0.1 microW/m2.
Electromagnetic Waves (high frequency, microW/m2)
No risk low risk high risk extreme risk
< 0.1 0.1-10 11-1000 >1000
Electrostatic Fields
Measuring of the surface voltage (V) of electrostatically chargeable surfaces.
Causes: Synthetic carpets, curtains, furniture, ...
Exposure limit for sleeping places: 100 V
Magnetostatic Fields
Measuring the deviation of the compass needle in degree.
Causes: Metal in beds, mattresses, furniture, buildings,
Exposure limit for sleeping places: 2 degrees, or less than 1 micro-tesla
Toxins and Gases (atmospheric pollutants)
Solvents ( VOC, volatile organic compounds) are determined by sampling.
Causes: Paints, glues, synthetic materials, particle board, building materials, furniture, ...
Exposure limit for sleeping places: E.g. Formaldehyde 0.02 ppm; sum of all: 50 microgram/m3
Non-volatile compounds are determined by sampling.
Causes: Pesticides, fungicides, PCP, DDT, Lindane, Pyrethroids, Dichlorvos, ...
Exposure limit for sleeping places: E.g. PCP in dust, 0.5 mg/kg
Fibres, Particles, Allergens
These particles are determined by sampling, e.g. Asbestos, mineral fibers, house dust, mite excrement, pollen, ....
Causes: Building materials, insulation, air conditioning, heating, environment, ....
Exposure limit for sleeping places: E.g. asbestos, 20 fibres/m3.
Bacteria, Yeasts, Moulds
These organisms are determined by the number of colonies in samples taken from the indoor atmosphere, surfaces, dust, materials, liquids, ...
Causes: Building and insulation materials, water damage, dampness, hygiene, ...
Exposure limit for sleeping places: E.g. yeast and moulds, 100/m3.