Here is a collection of podcasts about Buildingbiology and aspects of Buildingbiology. Of course, each of my hosts have a large library of inspiring and interesting podcasts on offer.
Learn and Enjoy!
3 podcasts, about electro-pollution, 5G, Feng Shui, and Mould
Sam wrote A higher Branch, and Guide to Greatness. See his website on how to create a healthy, conscious, and balanced life.
Buildingbiology in general
How do you make a healthy, comfortable home that's sustainable and cost effective? Matthew is the architect-expert.
Healthy Homes
Join Laudy, Simone & Tammy who are seeking to inform & empower others to find clarity amongst the confusion.
A Podcast exploring how to change our environment to become the new normal through conversations among friends.
Healthy Homes, mould, EMR
Leila Lutz is a Health and Performance Coach with over 16 years' experience working with professionals and athletes, finding the root cause of complex injury and chronic health related issues, then tailoring tangible, sustainable and goal driven programs that educate people, so they can reclaim their power to perform at their best.