Measuring Standard updated !
The last edition of the Buildingbiological Measuring Standard was from 2015, and much has changed in technology and building. However, the human body hasn’t changed much, - so the guidelines for healthy living have not changed much, either.
I just thought that this represents a good opportunity to remind everyone that we have such an amazing and wonderful standard to go by. - It is not based on obscure and arbitrary ideas, like some of the government standards (heat as a measurement of phone/wifi radiation danger), but it is based on actual biological impact (like getting cancer from phone/wifi radiation, or impacting on functioning of cell membranes ).
All the measurements a buildingbiologist takes are classified from ‘no concern’ to ‘extreme concern’. - we don’t just throw confusing numbers at you, as we actually want you to know your exposure and how you can remedy a potentially dangerous situation.
A brief summary of parts of the standard is here, - but you are welcome to email me and I will send you the full version.
Many thanks for the ongoing research and support by the Institute for Buildingbiology and Ecology, Neubeuern, IBN. ( )