Wash the Machine
It’s not a mistake in the heading - The machine that washes needs washing, itself!
I’ve just done one run on 90 degrees, with the cleaning tablets, followed by a 60 degree wash. Now, our washing machine is clean and fragrant, again!
The problem arises, because we are trying to reduce our environmental impact by doing colder washes. Let me say clearly, that this is false economy. If you never wash 60 degree or more, mould will grow, reproduce in the machine, and spoil your clothes. -
I recently had a client, who continued to throw the family’s clothes out, because they became musty and smelly in the wardrobe. As it turned out, the culprit wasn’t the wardrobe, it was the washing machine. Every time the client tried to wash the mould out, she actually put more in….
While you are at it, empty the button-catching filter at the bottom of the machine, as well. It might hold all sorts of surprises! If you lost your manual, look for it online.
I wrote about blocked bathroom drains and their mould carrying potential, at an earlier stage: - Get the drain-cleaning sodium hydroxide product and flush out the crap!
It’s quite interesting from an energetic point of view, how our culture has become more aware of the ‘disposal’ side of things. Our intestinal health is absolutely essential to live a healthy and resilient life, physically and emotionally. - Just as our drainage systems around the house are essential for the health of the building: Sewerage, ventilation, gutters and downpipes, vacuum cleaner filters (that’s a whole topic in itself), - and just as there is the leaking gut syndrome, there are leaking taps, roofs, pipes, showers, - all of them making the building - and therefore us- weak and ultimately sick.
Take care, - it’s a jungle, out there!
Happy new year to all of you and: See the opportunity in the need for change, not the threat.
Let’s move forward together and give it our best!